Just as when I stayed at Peter’s office there was a connection to a famous actress, I just found out that I am housesitting for the son of a Hungarian music legend, a member of the band, Kalaka. I am told that every Hungarian knows the band, Kalaka. Is it true? I saw one CD titled, “Where are My Pants?” Can’t go wrong with that.
This is one of my favorite Hungarian pop songs, “A Bal”, by Pal Utcai Fiuk. It’s quite old as you can maybe tell from the video, which is no great shakes, but there you go. It is one of those songs that by itself I wouldn’t have thought much of when I heard it, but the time and place and the people I was with give it resonance.
On the same visit I was also taught to say to everyone, “Csipem a klasszikus fejedet”, which means, “I dig your classical head.”
Maybe I should just stop here.
If you find this song fundamentally taps into your innermost core, you can also listen to my other two favorite songs, “Fiatal Lanyok”, also by PUF, and “Jovobol jovo lovo” by Kispal es a Borz.
“Fiatal lany vagy, torkom a keseden
A fiatalsagod, bilincs a ket kezemen…..”
“I am told that every Hungarian knows the band, Kalaka. Is it true?”