You can’t look at New York with old eyes. I have only explored a few days, but I walked a lot, over 15km through Manhattan my first day, and you can’t go by the old stereotypes. I’ll say it: New York is accessible. New Yorkers are accessible. It’s an exciting place to be. I’ve long been a California snob and resent the East Coast concentration of power, but I would love to live in New York.
I was last here exactly 10 years ago during 9/11. The short story is here.

Just your average All-American dentistry and gynocology shop! This was in Harlem, a part of town I hardly have any photos of because Harlem is almost boring in its normalcy.

Previously, I'd only seen this in Japan. Space is valuable here. I'd love to live in New York, but renting is an issue. I met a woman who pays $1770 for a 300 square foot (28 sq. meter) place on the Upper East Side. However, I stayed with someone who paid only $500 a month for a nice one-bedroom place in Crown Heights, Brooklyn.

This was a cool candy shop in Little Italy called Papabubble. What they are making in the pictures is hard candy for Margot’s birthday party on 9/10/11. The letters are made large and then when it is rolled small, the letters become small. How is that for a poor explanation?

Melting pot food.