Finally! There is still the matter of bringing my old website over to the new and other things, but it can wait. I am disappointed with the front page that looks like the work of a 10 year old, but … Continue reading
Tag Archives: music
Say “Amen” Somebody! Hallelujah! Design-wise, you will look at it and say, “We waited all this time and you show us something that looks like a 10 year old made it?” Yes, I am. I am using WordPress, which sounds … Continue reading
Just as when I stayed at Peter’s office there was a connection to a famous actress, I just found out that I am housesitting for the son of a Hungarian music legend, a member of the band, Kalaka. I am … Continue reading
Every trip is remembered in song, something you listen to a hundred times to get through a long bus ride or something you hear on the streets over and over or for whatever nonsensical reason. I am only listening to … Continue reading