Say “Amen” Somebody! Hallelujah! Design-wise, you will look at it and say, “We waited all this time and you show us something that looks like a 10 year old made it?” Yes, I am.
I am using WordPress, which sounds easy as it’s just a template and you throw on the words and pictures and voila! But I have tried to make it more visually appealing, and for reasons too numerous and boring, the only noticeable difference between the new site and old site will be the nice header. I am shooting for a Sunday launch.
So what will be on it? Merely everything! All my travel secrets are going to be there: the hard, practical science melded together with the philosophy of one-way travel, disseminated for free, not as an e-book, which seems like a mistake.
The endless struggles and frustration with a myriad of technical problems between WordPress, my server and my brain have been partially soothed by this simple Japanese pop music video from Spitz, my favorite band. It encapsulates everything great about Japan. I can watch the first 15 seconds over and over, but that’s just me.