If you drive through the desolate highways of Central California late at night, on the radio you only hear Top 40 hits, talk shows, country music and religious sermons, but you can also hear Portuguese radio. Many Portuguese have emigrated … Continue reading
Tag Archives: toilets
MEMORY LANE The bad old days. It was bread and cheese all the time. It was hard to find anything else. I would go into the small stores, get my bread and cheese, maybe some sunflower seeds, gamble on something … Continue reading
Are people from Tangier called Tangerines? Sometimes I am asked what my least favorite countries in the world are and Morocco always makes my Bottom Three, but I realize I have been unfair to it. Lots of bad things have … Continue reading
Simply put, the best thing about Indonesia are the people. It may be an obvious thing to say; can you imagine a country you love where the people make you crazy—other than India? The people are the reason I like … Continue reading
I wrote before about the excessive safety precautions in Japan. This scene is on the smallest of side streets. I waited for a car or motorbike to go by to get a good picture of the “traffic” guard in action, … Continue reading
My inbox has been overflowing with requests for more toilet photos from Japan, so here you go. And here on the “arm” of the toilet above you can see the four alphabets that the Japanese use. It’s not easy to … Continue reading
Someday I am going to sit down somewhere and move my old website, kentfoster.com, to this website. It’s going to take forever as it must be over 100 pages that have to be recoded, but I can say with some … Continue reading
By any standard the hitch from Frankfurt to southwest Hungary was a disaster, definitely in the Bottom Ten ever, but it was a true adventure and I have some satisfaction in making it. I just wish it hadn’t lasted 28 … Continue reading
I was in Colombia last year and have a nice little section of Pulitzer-worthy photos and spellbinding text that some say is a tour de force. And some of those who say that aren’t even related to me. Check it … Continue reading
Andrew, Iris and I went took a van north to Arcabuco to catch a bus to San Gil. I lent sunburnt Iris my hat, but she lost it almost immediately. I had been around the world once or twice with … Continue reading