Kazakhstan! That’s K-A-Z-A-K-H-S-T-A-N. New country! Maybe #107. Maybe. What do I know about Kazakhstan? I know it’s the largest country I had yet to visit, #9 in the world. (Algeria, you’re next.) I know never to utter the word “Borat.” … Continue reading
Tag Archives: money
Hey, Russian border control, do you think for once, just for once, you can look at my passport, stamp it, and let me in? Does it really have to be an event where I have to stand out of line, … Continue reading
(63 rubles = $1; 70 rubles = 1 euro) I am a big fan of VTB Bank ATMs for two reasons: the maximum amount you can take out is high, 100,000 rubles, and they offer you small banknotes. The most … Continue reading
Greetings from Sukhumi, Abkhazia. Abkhazia is a breakaway republic with no American diplomatic presence as I explained in my previous, award-losing blog post. Having to be extra paranoid about not losing my passport reminded me of visiting Vietnam in 1992, … Continue reading
In Moscow I walked from Red Square to Lubyanka where the former KGB headquarters were, but I couldn’t remember which building it was in the vast intersection. I stopped to ask two policemen and they pointed across the street. When … Continue reading
Look at this ticket below. 50 rubles to see professional hockey in Russia! That’s about 70 cents. I am not sure exactly because the ruble is free-falling. ATTENTION: THE RUBLE IS SEVERELY ILL! NO ONE CALL A DOCTOR! It’s lost … Continue reading
I have been away for over six months now. “Away” is a complicated word because what I am away from other than the country of my passport? In any case, I have been away from my country for over half … Continue reading
I was going to write about medical tourism in Guatemala next, but my friend’s maladies haven’t fully played out, so in the meantime I need to share gastronomic and lodging secrets—another free gift from The Dromomaniac! Thank me later. The … Continue reading
It took a full 15 minutes for immigration in Canada to decide to let me in. I wouldn’t have been surprised if they rejected me because although I answered all their questions honestly and without hesitation, they were bad answers … Continue reading
It’s nice to be back in California, though I haven’t been around much. Everything is too far. It seems easier to fly to Europe than go to Death Valley. I will explore my state sometime. I am rabid California patriot. … Continue reading