“Kyrgyzstan” is derived from old Turkish and means 40 tribes, but it has been posited that it also means 40 girls. In any case the flag has a 40-ray sun. End of history lesson. I’ve been gone over five months … Continue reading
Tag Archives: flea markets
Yes, it’s true, Thailand does night markets better than any other country I know, and I know a few countries. I gushed about them last time I was in Bangkok and northern Thailand, and I’m still impressed. The venues are … Continue reading
I once lived in Pecs (pronounced “paytch”), a provincial capital 200km from Budapest in southern Hungary. I was legal with a contract and work visa, not overstaying a tourist visa like I might be doing now. It was the only … Continue reading
Let’s get the hitchhiking stories out of the way first: Amsterdam to Paris was remarkably easy, the last ride with an Armenian-French guy who wanted to talk politics. He asked what Americans thought about France and my opinion on the … Continue reading
Budapest! I made a visit heavy on reunions with a funny coincidence: a Hungarian friend I hadn’t seen in nearly twenty years knew a Hungarian friend I haven’t seen in nearly ten years from when they both recently lived in … Continue reading
Surreal moment of the weekend in Puebla: a freakishly aggressive local bus driver with a compilation of Bee Gees’ love songs playing in the background like a mocking soundtrack. He cut people off (“…how deep is your love, I really … Continue reading
I think this was my 8th or 9th time around the world. It’s hard to sound humble when saying that, doesn’t it, especially when I don’t know? I should declare it, chin up, with a hint of an accent while … Continue reading
It’s good to be home, to feel myself again. … Continue reading
You see everything in life when you stick your thumb out on the road, including things you don’t want to be a part of. The other day a Sri Lankan family picked me up. I noticed two kids in the … Continue reading
In this restaurant if you could eat a gyoza (dumpling) this big within 30 minutes, you get it free. If not, 9600 yen ($115). Japanese ultra nationalists drive around in vans and buses looking like this and blast propaganda. Somehow … Continue reading