Before we get started: NEWS OF THE YEAR I READ THREE TIMES TO MAKE SURE I WASN’T IMAGINING THINGS “…tiny Djibouti said this month it would revamp its previously bankrupt national carrier. The new Air Djibouti will be managed by … Continue reading
Tag Archives: Germany
The day started poorly. I hadn’t shaved, my eyes were bugged out from a lack of sleep, and my new haircut makes me look like a psycho ward escapee; I wouldn’t stop for me either. Plus, there is nothing worse … Continue reading
Practical information Normally I dispense (what I hope is) practical information at the end, but I sense this money-saving tip is something either you care immensely about or not at all with nothing in between, irrespective of how expensive Denmark … Continue reading
Are you tired of my hitchhiking stories? Is it the equivalent of baby photos, only your own are interesting? OK, I’ll make it short. Besides, I might be losing my hitchhiking touch. It’s getting harder and harder even though for … Continue reading
I’m standing southwest of Berlin at the end of a highway gas station rest stop, trying to hitchhike to Frankfurt, cursing my bad luck on not having shaved the night before. An old sedan pulls up. The man leans out … Continue reading
I used a great German rideshare website, Mitfahrgelegenheit, to go from outside Amsterdam to Berlin. I practice what I preach on my website! We haggled to 33 euros ($41) for the 6-7 hour trip, but with rideshare you never know … Continue reading
You see everything in life when you stick your thumb out on the road, including things you don’t want to be a part of. The other day a Sri Lankan family picked me up. I noticed two kids in the … Continue reading
I have been busy and active these days, which I need after the slothfulness of Hungary, but the blogging suffers. I’ve been receiving some very nice fan mail from travelers who have stumbled upon my site. It might be better … Continue reading
My 100th post, which means I average about 18 posts a month. Is it a lot? Of course, one good post is better than five bad ones, but The Dromomaniac never posts schlock, right? RIGHT? People often stop me on … Continue reading
Muenster has been named by UNESCO as the world’s most livable city for a population between 250,000 and 500,000 so imagine my surprise when I saw this sign showing its sister cities and just look at Fresno, California sitting there. … Continue reading