I was in Colombia last year and have a nice little section of Pulitzer-worthy photos and spellbinding text that some say is a tour de force. And some of those who say that aren’t even related to me. Check it … Continue reading
Category Archives: Colombia
This foot isn’t one of them. It belongs to British Eric, who is also at Sam’s VIP Hostel as he conducts his website business selling shishas: shishahookah.co.uk. Give it a click just to demonstrate what kind of clicking power kentfoster.com’s … Continue reading
This is a typical set lunch in Colombia. To the right is a soup called Mute Santandereano, a kind of kitchen sink soup as it has just about everything in it. Above is yucca (Am I right in that yucca … Continue reading
In little San Gil I am advised against drinking the tap water, but on TV I can watch the Masters golf tournament, the NCAA final four, the European soccer championships, and several American pro baseball games. Quick question: in 10 … Continue reading
I bought a pirated DVD of the movie “Up in the Air” for 3000 pesos ($1.50) on the street, but I dutifully gave the address of Paramount Pictures for the vendor to send a royalty check. Pirated DVDs are a … Continue reading
This is a plate of Hormigas Culonas, or, quite literally, Big Ass Ants. They are a speciality of the Santander region and taste better than they look. Protein! It’s funny to me that they have a season, that they aren’t found … Continue reading
I’m in the running for the prestigious Least Intrepid Traveler award; I am back in San Gil. I had fully intended to go to Venezuela, but I am glad I went by the consulate this morning in Bucaramanga. In a … Continue reading
There’s a guy from Chicago here at the hostel and I really hesitate to say anything unkind about him as he’s very nice and personable, but he will not SHUT UP! He talks and talks and talks loudly without end. … Continue reading
I walked around Bucaramanga and nearby Giron, seeing what I could see. I stand out. Even before I open my mouth, I don’t pass for Colombian. Even without my Serbian t-shirt and goofy Colombian floppy yogurt promotional hat, I’m too tall and … Continue reading
Sleep is hard to come by. Even though I am not running around as fast as I normally do, in the last 18 nights I have slept in 10 different beds. If anyone has some sleep secrets, please pass them … Continue reading