While waiting for my flight I heard the magic words in an announcement: “We are looking for volunteers to take a later flight as this flight has been oversold” or however they put it, as they no longer say the word “bumped”. The agent at the gate hadn’t even finished her statement when I made a beeline to her. I asked when the next flight to New York was. Eight hours later—and a red-eye at that. I asked what the compensation was. $400 in vouchers. I had just read an article about airlines trying to give you less for being bumped than what the new laws ensure, and I said no instead of negotiating. A woman behind me snapped it.
The lesson? Even pros like me make rookie mistakes.

I don't know what's funnier, the original sign or the 'correction'. No, it's the original sign, definitely.

Did you know that if Brooklyn was a city by itself, it would be the fourth largest in the country? Me neither. It's a big mix of ethnicities. This supermarket in Bedford-Stuyvesant is representative of being all things to all people.

If you so much as cough, I am doing 30 chest compressions on you and cracking your ribs.

Spooky… I have just finished the same course at the Red X here!
The defibrillator broke during our assessment and I had to do the little robotic voice myself.
PS, I had always suspected that America’s foreign policy had a direct effect on the colour of terrorists’ turbans. Now I have conclusive proof.