I was surprised to discover that New York isn’t expensive—for food. Even in Manhattan it isn’t hard to find big pizza slices for a dollar, or dollar cups of coffee. Of course, you can easily pay through the roof, but you do have options.
The photo for this Puerto Rican-style pastel above doesn’t do it justice. The closest thing to it is a tamale, but it’s not corn-based, rather, banana-based (more info here). I had a similar thing in southern Ecuador’s main banana growing region near Machala, but it was called “bollo” which is so similar to “pollo” (chicken) that I got tired of asking people where to find it since they always thought I was looking for chicken.
Belgian french fries in New York! This is in the East Village/Lower East Side. I think in Belgium and Holland they would offer 4 or 5 sauces maximum, but in New York, that doesn’t cut it. How about Vietnamese pineapple mayo? Pomegranate teriyaki mayonaisse? Irish curry? Hello? Anyone?
The fries were a little overcooked, which has to be an American thing as people would probably freak out otherwise. We sat in the back of the small shop and saw into the storage area where there were large cans of liquid shortening, whatever that is. All I know is that my arteries are pumping sludge. I wonder if I can do CPR on myself…

A big slice of pizza for a dollar---and isn't bad pizza. There are lots of places like this all over town.

Rocco's cannoli on Bleecker St in Greenwich Village. $3.75.

because you ask for it: at least 20 different sauces in Belgium: http://www.dl.be/nl/de-gamma/saus-in-bokaal ; not to mention other brands with other sauces; i think i have to take you to a real “belgische frituur”; but you know i was going to say this!
20?! I had no idea.