The entrance to Ee Beng! Excitement!
My favorite restaurant in Penang, and therefore the known world, is Ee Beng Vegetarian Food Restaurant. (The first restaurant that comes to mind when I think of a runner up is Al-Hashem in Amman, Jordan. I also have rained praise on Sri Ananda Bahvan in Penang.) It is a humble mixed rice restaurant that doesn’t put on airs. Three years ago I wrote a blog post about Ee Beng so I don’t need to declare my love ad nauseum, and I still feel the same uneasiness knowing that I have no idea what I am eating—is it soy? Wheat? Reconstituted cat flesh?—but I don’t need to know as taste conquers all.
Also, I need to be reminded that “vegetarian” doesn’t necessarily mean “healthy” as there are some pretty heavy sauces on some of these things. It gives me pause for thought that I eat meat at all. I would be content eating this mockmeat stuff all the time. The texture is a quick giveaway that it isn’t meat, but I’m not bothered by that. Trues carnivores might disagree, but I say it is the sauce, not the substance.
The next three photos are a few of the meals I had. They all cost between six and eight ringgit. (US$2.75-$3.50)

Civilized dining—and no overlapping!

The layout

Ee Beng seeks your mercy even though they are the ones suffering through the stortage!
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Sorry for abusing your comments all the time. Just wanted to say, that it took us 2 weeks to finally go to Ee Beng.
Turns out, we wasted 2 weeks on not perfect food!
It’s really great food and we just extended our stay. 😉
I still prefer one of the Indian Restaurants for Dosa Breakfast and Sri Ananda Bahwan or the 2 Hawker Centers C.F. near Chew Jetty or Red Garden on Penang Street for Dinner.
Good thing, you can eat 3 times a day 😉
No worries!
Penang’s food makes people excited! Do you weigh the same as 2 weeks ago? HA!
Next time I go back I will have to get all your recommendations.