I met a guy from Cameroon who plays professional soccer in Nepal—it’s true! How could I make something like that up?—and there is a big international soccer tournament starting today, but no, I’m off to do the Annapurna Sanctuary trek. I’ll be gone for a good week or so, so you’ll just have to try and survive without me for a while. Just try!
Attention! Reminiscing alert! Reminiscing alert!
Last time I came Nepal to go trekking, I arrived with no shoes. I gave them away in Thailand to a Burmese refugee organization in the faint hope that someone would have big fat feet like mine. When I got to Nepal, I discovered shoes didn’t exist in my size. I bought the biggest I could find, some pink and white faux Van’s. They were too small so I folded the back heel down and used them as slippers. I went trekking in them to the snickering of everyone else in their space-age gear—and then it snowed the second day. Luckily, it was the only day of bad weather and the rest of the trek I did in my sandals.
The last day of the trek I came down with giardia, which is something I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. I can express it in two words: explosive diarrhea.
Let’s hope not every memory has to be revisited. Let’s go!

Szia Kent! Am I the first one to read this? I can’t believe how up-to-date I am on you. So you have been on such a trek in Nepal before? Can’t wait to read about this one.
András out