Met an Israeli traveler named Orr and due to an unpredictable chain of events, I found myself taking part in a seder in the Nairobi synagogue during this holy Jewish time of Passover. Who knew there was a Nairobi synagogue?
What I know about Jewish traditions can fit comfortably on a pinhead, so it was all new to me. The other guy in the picture, Orr described him as a “professional Israeli”, since he knew precisely when to arrive for the food, missing out on all the sacred traditional stuff. Wise man.
The other thing about this photo is to show the bump on my finger that I had operated on in Japan last year (story and gory pix here!) The bump never completely went away and my finger is still swollen more than I like, but as they say in Singapore, “What to do?”
The people who design 4-slot visas and the custom officials who deliberately stamp a completely empty page should all be sent directly to the lowest level of heck.
Add to that level the person who decided it should cost $82 to staple a couple of new pages into my passport, and I’m absolutely with you.
They couldn’t even be bothered to type the visa! They just wrote it in with pen! Disgrace.
I have an old Canadian passport with a random US entry stamp (on a transit flight; I never even left the airport!) that was put deliberately across two pages; thanks, boys for wrecking two pages at once! My Burmese visas, entries and exit stamps used to fill up multiple pages too. I guess the compensating factor is that European countries don’t stamp you at all anymore.